Desktop Environments in Linux

One of many feature of Linux is that it supports numerous number of desktop environment.This enables user to select the suitable desktop environment. A Desktop Environment is an implementation of the desktop metaphor built as a collection of different user and system programs running on top of an operating system, and share a common GUI, also known as graphical shell.

Some of the desktop environments are as follows:-

1) GNOME 3 Desktop

It is most popular, free and open-source. It presents a activities overview for an easy access to basic tasks, provides a powerful search tool for users to access their work from any place.

  • Uses Metacity as default window manager
  • Supports desktop notifications using a convenient messaging system
  • Enables on/off switching of desktop notifications and many more

2)Cinnamon Desktop

Cinnamon desktop is a fork of GNOME desktop environment, it is the default desktop environment on Linux Mint together with MATE
  • MDM display manager
  • Muffin window manager
  • Cinnamon session manager
  • Cinnamon translations
  • Blueberry, a Bluetooth configuration tool 

3)MATE Desktop

MATE is an intuitive and appealing desktop environment, that is extension of GNOME 2. It has Caja file manager as its default file manager. It is default desktop environment for Linux Mint alongside, Cinnamon desktop.

4)Unity Desktop

It was developed with aim of offering desktop and notebook users a consistent and elegant computing experience. It is an interface to GNOME applications and libraries, with various technologies integrated within it. Unity is graphical desktop shell for GNOME desktop environment.
  • Compiz window manager
  • A system dashboard
  • Lens, that sends search queries to Scope
  • Scope, a powerful search feature, that searches both locally and online
  • Unity preview
  • Offers an application indicator
  • A simple and sleek notification component combined with other minor features

5)KDE Plasma 5

KDE is a well-known, powerful and highly customizable desktop environment, designed to offer Linux desktop absolute control over their desktop. It is built using Qt 5 and frameworks 5.
  • Dolphin file manager
  • Kwin window manager
  • A converged shell
  • Modernized launchers
  • Workflow improvements in desktop notification area
  • Improved support for high density display


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