Linux isn't a complete operating system - it's just a kernel. Linux distributions take the Linux kernel and combine it with other free software to create complete packages. These are called as Linux distributions or Linux distro. There are many Linux distro available. Some of them are as follows:-


Ubuntu is most popular Linux distro. It is based on Debian. i.e. Debian and Ubuntu have many software repositories in common. Ubuntu also has some different repositories. Ubuntu uses GNOME 2 desktop environment,now it is using Unity desktop environment . It releases a more stable version every 6 months. Ubuntu is currently working on Ubuntu distro on smartphones and tablets.


Mint is built on top of Ubuntu. It uses Ubuntu's repositories. It doesn't use Unity desktop but they use Cinnamon or MATE desktop.


Fedora is sponsored by Red Hat, and is foundation for Red Hat Enterprise Linux project. Fedora is a project with a strong focus in free software. Fedora comes with GNOME 3 desktop environments. If more stable release is needed Red hat prefers to use their Enterprise product [RHEL].

4)Cent OS/Red hat enterprise Linux

RHEL is commercial Linux distro intended for servers and workstations. It is based on Fedora project. RHEL has its trade-mark,however core software is free and open source. Cent OS is community which removes all Red Hat's trademarks and makes it available for free use and distributions.


Arch Linux is designed to be light-weight,minimal and simple. One can configure the complete system as one likes. It doesn't provide an official graphical interface, it provides clean configuration files designed for easy editing. On terminal one needs configure complete system,partition the disk and install the operating system yourself.


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